© CC-BY, Michaela Ullrich

Lebendige Spuren deutscher Textilgeschichte

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  • Waltersdorf
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Visit to the German Damask and Towelling Museum with textile trail and Frottana/möve

Großschönau's 350-year textile tradition can be seen, touched and experienced in many places. Get up close to the cloth and walk along Großschönau's textile paths between history and modernity. Our local guide will meet you at the Kirchstraße car park and take you on a visit to the German Damask and Terry Museum. After the eventful and very informative tour, you will walk together to the Schulz bakery. A weaving buffet awaits you here. Afterwards, you will explore the textile village of Großschönau along the textile trail during an entertaining guided tour. You will get to know typical Upper Lusatian half-timbered houses. Weavers from Großschönau once lived and worked in the Umgebindestuben. Information steles tell you about the former factory buildings. Factory owners' villas are gradually awakening from their slumber. The day ends with a tour of the Möve/Frottana factory and a visit to the factory shop. (optional)

Na mapie

Tourist-Information Großschönau/ Erholungsort Waltersdorf
Hauptstraße 28
02799 Waltersdorf

Na mapie:
tel.: +49 35841 2146

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