© Zeiss Planetarium und Volkssternwarte

Zeiss-Planetarium and Public Observatory Drebach

W skrócie

In the heart of the Ore Mountains the public observatory and the Zeiss Planetarium Drebach await the small and big stargazers.

In the heart of the Ore Mountains the public observatory and the Zeiss Planetarium Drebach await the small and big stargazers. The facility is provided with 70 seats and is also suitable for wheelchair users. The official dates of events can be found in the schedule.

Na mapie

Zeiss-Planetarium and Public Observatory Drebach
Milchstraße 1
09430 Drebach

Na mapie:
tel.: +49 (0) 37341 7435
faks: +49 (0) 37341 49516
www: www.planetarium-erzgebirge.de

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