© Sergey Borisenko


"Chic! Accesoires make people"

W skrócie

An exhibition, looking at accesoires in various aspects.

The Corona mask shows it: decorating oneself is a basic human need. Shortly after the introduction of compulsory masks, there are colourful, self-sewn mouth-nose covers and expensive designer specimens. A medical necessity becomes a jewelry accessory for all.
Ever since there were people, they’ve been decorating their bodies. The exhibition “Chic! Jewelry. Power. Guys. “ in five ways: Body Modifications, Manufacture & Material, Fashion & Accessories, Status & Meaning and with a glittering treasure chest.

Kolejne wydarzenia

Na mapie

smac - Staatliches Museum für Archäologie Chemnitz
Stefan-Heym-Platz 1
09111 Chemnitz

Na mapie:
tel.: +49 (0) 371 9119990
faks: +49 (0) 371 91199999
www: www.smac.sachsen.de

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