© Deutsches Uhrenmuseum Glashütte, Fotograf: Holm Helis


Foyer Exhibition “An Artificial Clock for the President”

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An impressive clock that has not been on public display for several decades.

On 25 May 2022, a new foyer exhibition was opened at the Deutsches Uhrenmuseum Glashütte. On the occasion of his 80th birthday on 3rd January 1956, Wilhelm Pieck, the then President of the GDR, was presented with an impressive artificial clock, which was commissioned by the GDR Council of Ministers in cooperation with the Glashütter Uhrenbetriebes. According to a description of the time, the clock represents a “place of socialist construction. ”
The new foyer exhibition is part of the upcoming special exhibition at the Deutsches Uhrenmuseum Glashütte. Starting in summer 2022, it will focus on the engineers at Glashütter Lehranstalt, their personal histories and life achievements, as well as on the general job profile of engineers. From 1951 to 1992, the school was an important institution for engineering education in East Germany.

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Deutsches Uhrenmuseum Glashütte
Schillerstraße 3 a
01768 Glashütte

Na mapie:
tel.: +49 35053 4612102
faks: +49 35053 46285
www: www.uhrenmuseum-glashuette.com

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