© Archiv TVV / S. Theilig

Kammweg Etappe 15 "Von Eichigt ins Burgsteingebiet"

W skrócie

  • Start: Obereichigt, Bushaltestelle
  • Cel: Burgstein, Parkplatz Burgsteinhäuser
  • średnia
  • 20,85 km
  • 6 h
  • 287 m
  • 621 m
  • 434 m

Protected area "Grünes Band" near Tiefenbrunn - Bobenneukirchen with hikers' parking lot - Dröda dam with the Bobenneukirchen and Ramoldsreuth dams - Vordere Platte with a view of the surrounding countryside - Burgstein with castle ruins, hikers' parking lot, Hermann Vogel House in Krebes

Plan trasy

Nawierzchnia trasy

  • Ulica (5%)
  • Asfalt (14%)
  • Żwir (27%)
  • Szlak wędrowny (54%)


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