© Stephan Böhlig, Dresden Elbland

Hirschstein Mill Cycle Route

W skrócie

  • Start: Pahrenz
  • Cel: Pahrenz
  • łatwa
  • 22,97 km
  • 1 h 30 min
  • 77 m
  • 142 m
  • 97 m

To Dutch windmills and village churches


The mill cycle path touches almost all parts of the municipality. Interesting facts about the history of the once existing mills can be read on the information boards in the respective parts of the village along the mill cycle path. Unfortunately, only two mills (Pahrenzer Turmholländerwindmühle and Windmühle Schänitz) and one ruin (Windmühle Prausitz) have survived to the present day.

In Pahrenz you start the round trip. A visit to the tower of the Holländer Windmill is possible. In Heyda you can discover the church on the way, in Prausitz you also come along the church. In the further course of the way you drive past the cross stone in Boritz, as well as the castle Hirschstein.

Plan trasy

Nawierzchnia trasy

  • Ulica (16%)
  • Asfalt (59%)
  • Żwir (15%)
  • Szlak wędrowny (9%)


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