© Karin Jaehn - fotolia.com , Tourismusverband Sächsische Schweiz

Handbike tour "Along the Hohe Straße" (barrier-free)

W skrócie

  • Start: National Park train station Bad Schandau
  • Cel: National Park train station Bad Schandau
  • 37,18 km
  • 3 h 40 min
  • 397 m
  • 421 m
  • 119 m

Barrier-free tour for hand bikers: Outstanding tour, which is particularly recommended because of the fantastic panorama over a large part of the Hintere Sächsische Schweiz.

From the market square in Bad Schandau, follow the signs to Hinterhermsdorf and turn off into the Kirnitzschtal after approx. 300 metres. Although the road through the Kirnitzschtal is very busy, especially at weekends, it is still easy to cycle on thanks to its gentle gradient and very good surface. The tracks of the historic Kirnitzschtal railway accompany you all the way to the Lichtenhain waterfall. After the Lichtenhainer Mühle mill, the gradient of the road gradually becomes steeper. You pass the Felsenmühle, Neumannmühle and Buschmühle mills and soon reach the point where the road leaves the Kirnitzschtal valley and climbs towards Saupsdorf.

Immediately after the Räumichtmühle mill, we leave the main road to the left and cycle up the small valley to Saupsdorf. Staying on the main road, we finally turn left again and leave the village in the direction of Sebnitz. After an initial descent, the route climbs again until we reach the Waldhaus on the right just before the Sebnitz district of Hertigswalde. The Hohe Straße branches off to the left here, which we continue along. However, this road initially turns out to be a dirt track with a rather rustic character in places.

After reaching a wooded hill, the impressive view towards the rear of Saxon Switzerland opens up for the first time. The route continues on a rather gravelled and sloping path to the road connecting Ottendorf and Sebnitz. Cycle along this road for approx. 300 metres to the right before the Hohe Straße turns left again as a dirt track. A short steep climb is a real challenge, as the condition of the road is catastrophic in places. Helpers will certainly be needed from time to time to overcome this. The panorama is ample compensation for the effort.

Eventually we reach the forest again and the path becomes more level. However, the condition of the path is only marginally better, so we have to grit our teeth again and again. At last, we head downhill towards Lichtenhain. Once again, the surface makes high demands on the handbikers' off-road skills. It is best to let yourself roll slowly downhill. When the road from Lichtenhain to Sebnitz is reached, all the agonising comes to an end. Now there is only blacktop to glide under the tyres.

We continue along the main road, sometimes slightly uphill, but mostly downhill, past the village of Lichtenhain and later through Mittelndorf and Altendorf. Here too, unforgettable views open up over a large part of Saxon Switzerland. An unforgettable experience in fine weather. After a speedy descent, we reach Bad Schandau again and head towards the market square after the church.

If you want to save yourself the hassle in the second third of the tour or shorten the tour, we recommend the variant from Lichtenhainer Mühle. Coming from Bad Schandau in the Kirnitzschtal valley, about 200 metres before the Lichtenhain waterfall, a small tarmac road turns off to the left after the village of Lichtenhain, which is closed to public traffic. Through the valley and later through the village, the route climbs quite steeply in places, but the surface is good throughout. In Lichtenhain, you then rejoin the original route.

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Nawierzchnia trasy

  • Ulica (82%)
  • Asfalt (9%)
  • Żwir (7%)
  • Szlak wędrowny (1%)
  • Ścieżka (2%)


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