© E. Schalling, E. Schalling

Around the "toy village" Seiffen

W skrócie

  • Start: Parking lot at the open-air museum Seiffen, 09548 Seiffen Hauptstraße 203 (recommended because of good parking facilities))
  • Cel: Parking lot at the open air museum Seiffen
  • średnia
  • 19,47 km
  • 5 h 30 min
  • 567 m
  • 782 m
  • 558 m

A little voyage of discovery around the toy village of Seiffen.Marking of the circular route: red dot in a white square

Plan trasy

Nawierzchnia trasy

  • Nieznane (9%)
  • Ulica (6%)
  • Asfalt (12%)
  • Żwir (9%)
  • Szlak wędrowny (62%)
  • Ścieżka (2%)


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