© Archiv Tourismusverband Vogtland e.V., M. Daßler

Bikewelt Schöneck

W skrócie

5 trails and a large practice course offer fun and variety. Long-distance fans will get their money's worth on a total of 263 km of MTB bike tour network.

Flowtrail >> Erich Popp << 1350 m,

without obstacles for families and beginners

Singletrail >> Mosenbank << 1000 m, natural route

Downhill 1 & 2, crisp downhill fun for advanced skiers

Jumptrail >> Bockmühle << 1250 m, with 34 jumps for experts,

exercise course - The course gives everyone the opportunity to improve themselves; starting with small turns and jumps to steep turns and really big jumps.

Na mapie

Bikewelt Schöneck
Hohe Reuth 9
08261 Schöneck/Vogtland

Na mapie:
tel.: +49 37464 330011
www: www.schoeneck-vogtland.de

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