© Studio2Media, Erlebnisheimat Erzgebirge

Stoneman Miriquidi MTB Abschnitt Oberwiesenthal Bärenstein

W skrócie

  • Start: Oberwiesenthal, Talstation Schwebebanhn
  • Cel: Berg Bärenstein
  • 15,22 km
  • 1 h 45 min
  • 340 m
  • 999 m
  • 730 m

Let’s get started: after a short but steepascent, follow the Vierenstraße and turnright just before the Sportbaude Waldeck’ssmall OlympicsChampion-Museum (14Olympic champions). Passing the Hotel JensWeißfl og (three times Olympic champion)you will reach some forest paths. The routetends to take a downwards slope and soon follows the rails of thenarrow gauge railway, which was built in 1897. From the train stationof Niederschlag head towards the dam near Cranzahl. Shortly beforethe waters, keep right and head uphill towards the hostel and thelookout tower that was constructed in 1913 on the 898 m high Bärensteinpeak (table mountain, basalt).

Welcome to the Stoneman Miriquidi

Let’s get started: after a short but steep ascent, follow the Vierenstraße and turn right just before the Sportbaude Waldeck’s small Olympics-Champion-Museum (14 Olympic champions). Passing the Hotel Jens Weißflog (three times Olympic champion) you will reach some forest paths. The route tends to take a downwards slope and soon crosses the rails of the narrow gauge railway, which was built in 1897. P ass the “Toskabank” heading towards the dam near Cranzahl. Shortly before the waters, keep right and head uphill towards the hostel and the lookout tower that was constructed in 1913 on the 898 m high Bärenstein peak (table mountain, basalt).

Plan trasy

Nawierzchnia trasy

  • Ulica (1%)
  • Asfalt (30%)
  • Żwir (54%)
  • Szlak wędrowny (14%)
  • Ścieżka (2%)


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