© Erlebnisheimat Erzgebirge

Kammweg Section 03 "From Sayda to Seiffen"

W skrócie

  • Start: Sayda, Kreuztanne
  • Cel: Seiffen, Church
  • łatwa
  • 9,74 km
  • 3 h
  • 256 m
  • 789 m
  • 530 m

A wealth of wood and skilled craftsmanship. Even today, Erzgebirge folk and wood art is world-famous. Born out of necessity, the families of the miners once made wooden toys as a sideline in winter. The third stage takes us to nutcrackers and smoking men - to curious places and wonderful views.

Hiking without culture is not possible today! First we continue to follow the old post road. Soon we leave the dense forest and come to a "luxury rest hut" at the edge of the forest! Let us surprise you. We continue through the fields to Neuhausen. We have reached the Glassworks Museum. Here you can see the first Odol bottle as well as feudal drinking glasses for the Saxon court. The ridge trail then takes us directly to Purschenstein Castle - in GDR times a children's home, today a 4-star hotel. At the station there is another museum, actually several museums. Here we enter the world of superlatives - we marvel at the largest music box in the world, examine the largest nutcracker, and so on. Then we climb the heights. At the top of the Schwartenberg there is a wonderful viewing platform and a cosy inn to stop at. Descending through meadows and fields, we soon reach our stage destination, Seiffen. Craftsmanship and a passion for wood have made Seiffen a Christmas and toy village. Christmas is here 365 days a year. Workshops and arts and crafts shops abound. No room in your rucksack for a wooden Rachermannl? No problem! The works of art are well packed and sent directly to your home.

Milestones: Kreuztanne Sayda - Neuhausen with glassworks museum, Purschenstein Castle - Nutcracker Museum - Schwartenberg (789 m) with observation tower - Seiffen, centre of Erzgebirge wood art - Binge "Geyerin" - Seiffen Round Church.

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  • Ulica (11%)
  • Asfalt (23%)
  • Szlak wędrowny (47%)
  • Ścieżka (18%)


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