Hiking tour around the Spiegelwald in Grünhain-Beierfeld with panoramic view from the Spiegelwald tower
Marking: Green diagonal line on white square
Small round trip 2 km
Large round trip 4 km
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Hiking tour around the Spiegelwald in Grünhain-Beierfeld with panoramic view from the Spiegelwald tower
Marking: Green diagonal line on white square
Small round trip 2 km
Large round trip 4 km
König-Albert-Turm, Spiegelwald, 08344 Grünhain-Beierfeld, Alte Bernsbacher Str. 1,
König-Albert-Turm, Spiegelwald
Two easy circular walks lead from the König-Albert-Turm around and through the Spiegelwald. Both tours are equally suitable for all age groups because of their routing and the fantastic views. You can choose between a small and a large round. The circular walks are particularly popular with families. Both nature-oriented trails lead along a forest eco-trail and offer a lot of interesting information about the local flora and fauna in addition to hiking fun. From all points you can enjoy changing views of the Spiegelwald communities and their distinctive villages.
Places of interest
Places to stop
Parkplatz Am Spiegelwald, 08344 Grünhain-Beierfeld, Alte Bernsbacher Str. 1
Linie 383 von Chemnitz nach Aue oder Schwarzenberg, dann:
Linie 342 von Schwarzenberg oder Zwönitz nach Grünhain (Wendeschleife)
Linie 343 von Schwarzenberg nach Grünhain (Wendeschleife)
Linie 375 von Aue nach Grünhain (Wendeschleife)
Wanderkarte: Schwarzenberg, Breitenbrunn, Johanngeorgenstadt (Publicpress-Verlag)
Tourismus-Zweckverband Spiegelwald (Tourist association)
Informationszentrum König-Albert-Turm
Alte Bernsbacher Str. 2, 08344 Grünhain-Beierfeld
Tel. +49 3774 640744